I meander about the streets of the town for perhaps an hour and a half, most mornings.
Our winter is "walkable" this year: little snow and ice. And that is a big Blessing, I should note.
We need to count our Blessings!
Road traffic is very light and foot traffic is freakishly rare. Me and a few dog walkers and one or two others. It is like one of those stories from the 1950's where, after the A-Bomb, someone finds themselves to be the last person left on earth. It is weird.
I don't think there is any Covid-19 out there in the cold, depopulated sunshine and fresh air. So I'm not afraid to go for a walk. Or maybe it is simply too cold for people to come out? (I have been known to walk in bad weather.)
Having said that, I am careful to "avoid" coming near to people, out on a walk or in the grocery store, or so on. We are eating lightly, with pretty good nutrition, no alcohol or etc., taking our few meds and trying to sleep as well as possible. I take melatonin every night so I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep.
Powerful forces seem deliberate about ruining the economies of the world; just senseless destruction: "If we can't have it, nobody will"- that kind of logic.
The entire situation is "to be survived".