Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Self-Curated Content on YouTube: What does that mean to me? Part 3

I had to think about this topic for a few days; I was surprised.

At first, I thought I would simply list my favorite YouTubers; promote favorite videos?? No, that is not right.  My YouTube is not your YouTube; no one cares about one person's list of favorites (unless requested.)

The selections (content menus) change all the time. I don't understand this completely, but it represents flexibility in programming.

Instruction: If we would like a tutorial, we simply type in the search function the topic we want. Then receive several selections for the information we need.  I like sewing, stitching and some craft techniques: thousands of videos are "out there", some are very "niche" subjects:

A craft called "tatting"--a lace making method of olden times. I never knew anyone in person who still "tatted" (I am 71); try as I have done, I could never figure out how to make tatting from instruction manuals and photos.  After watching two or three instructional videos on YouTube, I've got it down. More important, generations of the unborn will be able to learn the skill in the future.

My current new obsession is a home improvement program "Farmhouse Vernacular": an adorable young married couple (both engineers with double engineering degrees) respectfully renovate a 1905 Kentucky farm house. They want the conveniences of today with the charm of the early 1900's. Rationally approached: planning, budgeting, sourcing tips, color theory, dogs, cats and cuteness.

Woodworking: we like to watch "Antique Furniture Restoration by Thomas Johnson" in Gorham Maine. With old-time technique and state of the art power tools, when necessary, he instructs and entertains very well. He is low-key and genuine; the New England antiques he works on end up ready to move into the next centuries. His "B-roll" is all about birds, sheep, chickens, goats and other things on this property; relaxing.

Birds: we like to watch birds around the feeder. "Cornell Lab Bird Cams" provides us with a view of their well-stocked feeding station whenever you like.  Watching this channel generates suggestions for bird feeders all around the globe....

Travel:  Live-cam bird feeders in Costa Rica! Best advertisement I can think of--big colorful birds that gulp fruit.    "ProWalks": a series of videos shot in many locations: long street journeys on foot through famous cities like Rome, Paris and London, etc. "Watched Walker" is another. "Kraig Adams" simply hikes with his drone to wonderful places, staging amazing shots of his progress.

There is Rick Steves programs, who some like.

My favorite subjects revolve around sewing: I watch this subject like others watch The Crown. I like "sewing-life" content: instruction, information, suggestions and chatter. "Kittenish Behavior", "Tom Kat Stitchery", "Inside the Hem".

In a month or tomorrow, new content will emerge or I may get tired of the ones I have enjoyed. 

News or current affairs--pick your favorites, nearly all are available. I feel better informed than, back in the old days, I depended on the "nightly news" or newspaper format.

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