Thursday, December 8, 2011

"World's Most Serious Baby" Speaks Out....

"Oh, hi. Yes, I appear serious, but I'm just a very smart little kid, getting a grip on this new experience called "Life". I'm a semi-regular BlogStar; you may remember me from other posts like this.. I'm the second youngest of the Gardener's grandchildren. My big sister Alice just started going to pre-school (whatever that is) lately, and I like this since I get to play in her room with her toys when she is gone. So, you saw on the last post that we all got together last Saturday with my GP's, my Aunt and my Twin Cousins. Later, Aunt Grace came over too. Not sure exactly what they were doing, but everyone was busy making noise, laughing and mixing up stuff in bowls. Some of it tasted good, but mostly I watched and ate a graham cracker.
They did this activity all day, til I got tired of it, then Grandma and Aunt Grace played with me, fed me some lunch and I probably napped--I don't remember I was asleep. It's like that for a kid like me. Eventually, they produced quite a selection. Turned out, they were making cookies, which I understand!! Believe me, I understand a good cookie! The entire family is full of food scientists, so they know how to rock a kitchen!
I got to help, btw. I made lopsided, red-hots boobs on the gingerbread lady. lol. See, I'm not such a serious baby after all. One of the other kids put a ton of sprinkles on some cookies! Whoa! Then my aunt said to my grandma that when they were kids, they were never allowed to put too much sugar sprinkles on the cookies. (So, I learned, they've done this before!) How come it's ok now? she wanted to know. But Grandma just sighed and said, she guessed when you get to be a grandmother, you learn there are more important things in life than how many sprinkles a child puts on a Christmas Cookie. That makes sense... So, I watched all the action, I decorated a little and I ate and inspected. Quality Control. That's me.  Merry Christmas, World.

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