Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Streets of Rome--From important architecture and art to the silly and frivolous, all in one scene.

The back side of the Pantheon peeks out between the two buildings...

Yes. It's a Bernini Elephant--whimsical and a little sweet, like a Disney elephant--with an ancient Egyptian obelisk on top--important, interesting.

Reflection photo image: just a few blocks from the Bernini, you find a Fashion Corridor with stylish shops with bright show windows.

Current styles in bright colors in tasteful array....and this is not even the really expensive part of Rome.

And the slippers and sandals to compliment the new fashions.  They had handbags, too.  They never miss an opportunity to showcase a potential sale; you cannot blame the shopkeepers of Rome. Every week a new set of tourists arrive in town, eager to stroll the famous streets, eat and drink at the many restaurants and shop in the stylish stores. When they leave, no worries--another group arrives.

While our Kidz shopped for a suit for him and a dress for her at Cos, we found a cool, secluded court yard with interesting plants and rocks. We sat in shade, it was quiet and sweet; just steps from the busy road outside. Eventually we got the texts that the shopping was complete, then took them to lunch at Ginger.      Even we, it seems, can approach the lifestyles of the young and cool when in Rome.    Think what you could enjoy!

I wish I could remember in which church niche this amazing piece is tucked away.  It's obviously composed of bits and pieces of ancient relics??    We made a point to go inside each and every church we passed (that was open at the time). We are not Catholic but were surely able to admire with reverence and quiet the master pieces inside.  Some 900 churches in Rome!!

The trouble was, not being Catholic, we didn't know much about the various Saints and relics, etc. We didn't know much about the individual histories of the churches...thank Goodness for Google. (I never feel that way, actually/)  Maybe there is a large "coffee table book" with photos in our public library?   (So much to learn.)

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