Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Brand New Bird for the Blog...

A gorgeously handsome Yellow-Shafted Flicker visited the suet feeder this morning while I was at my desk and had my camera handy! I was just able to snap the photo as it was getting ready to depart in a hurry! The bird is larger and more dramatic than the other woodpeckers I've seen here, so far. Where is my Pileated Woodpecker opportunity? That is what I want to know.       It's on Critter Cam


  1. Wow, what a gorgeous capture. It is a beautiful bird.

  2. what a pretty yellow bird, loved it :-) Dropping some late love for MYM, hope that you can return the favor too.


To Remember Dad's 103rd Birth Anniversary, Something Different

 My Grandparents on my Dad's side were both "bonus babies", kids who were born to much older parents, long after they expected...