Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goldfinches and Sunflowers: Match made in Heaven...

...I let the sunflowers run amuck in the yard each year. I love the bright colors against the blue sky and the Gardener Next Door is an expert in flower arrangement. What she doesn't use, the many goldfinches pounce on as soon as the seed pods are ready. Sometimes I can count a dozen or more birds in the small yard, chowing eagerly on the seeds. It seems like it's a good thing that so many can eat here.


  1. Beautiful! Seems like a win win situation.
    : )

  2. What a great idea. And a great shot, I love sunflowers, they always seem to be smiling


To Remember Dad's 103rd Birth Anniversary, Something Different

 My Grandparents on my Dad's side were both "bonus babies", kids who were born to much older parents, long after they expected...