Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Year for My Niece, Flowergirl....

...this was a "Crappiest Halloween Ever" portrait; victim of a respiratory virus, she spiked a nasty fever on Halloween. She was as sick as I've seen a kid in many years; slept most of the afternoon, waking periodically to realize, to her heartbreak, that she wasn't out getting candy with her friends...

...two weeks later, at her birthday celebration, she was doing much better. Enjoying gifts and getting ready to help cut her cake.....

...looks like Aunt Blogs' is getting a little hamster kiss, when we introduced HerVhey to to cast of characters. He was her birthday gift. He's still doing well, burrowing about in his cage. We hamster-sat recently when she and her parents took a vacation in Michigan.... we all (almost all--missing some kids and their wives and possibly grandpa) are at Christmas. I don't think we had a tree, can't remember why...

...Ballet recital in June. FlowerGirl did beautifully, with all the practice and prep; the show was lovely. Then she conked out...

...she's getting taller everyday, but still young enough to come over and borrow another of my grown boys baby toys I still kept...

....back from vacation with the new dog they adopted from the innkeeper at their B&B. Eden is a very cute pup....

This one is from a few weeks ago, with her dog and her Barbies; and her great big grin...

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